Monday, August 9, 2021

This Blog Has Moved | The World As Seen By Steve

The blog has a new location: 

And a new name: The World As Seen By Steve

Please visit me at the new location for current posts.

Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Little Tybee Island Offers Big Adventure

Little Tybee Island is an unspoiled nature preserve in the string of barrier islands that separate Savannah, Georgia, from the Atlantic Ocean. You can only get there by boat from "regular-size" Tybee Island.

Its salt marshes and tidal creeks are home to many endangered species of birds and the beach is ideal for shell collecting. In May of this year, after our successful post-vaccine trip to Juke Joint Festival in Clarksdale, Mississippi (which you can read about here), Mrs. L. wanted to spend some time in Savannah. So, off we went - three days on Tybee Island and three days in the city. On Saturday, we booked a private charter tour of Little Tybee. 

Our captain piloted us through the marshy waterways and then left us to explore the beach on foot, which we had to ourselves. 

The charter service timed our excursion so we could watch the sunset on the way back.

If you are interested in your own big adventure on Little Tybee, we booked the "Little Tybee 'Unplugged' Boat Trip" through Sundial Charters.

Thanks for stopping by.

- Steve