Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do the Dew

Today the dawn brought an unexpected pleasure to the northwest Mississippi hill country – at no charge to boot.  A heavy dew covered the pasture and the freshly cut grass around our house.  I fed the dogs and then took a barefoot stroll.  The grass was ICE COLD!  It reminded me of wading through the shallows of the White River early in the morning just before the dam opens.  What a welcome relief after months of sweltering heat and humidity.  Even after taking a shower, my soles still felt chilled.  Which leads me to relay my other experience this morning - contemplation of life’s great unexplained mystery.  Only two heads of hair (as far as I know) reside in our house.  Mine and Mrs L's.  So why does the window ledge in our shower display no less than twelve different shampoo and conditioner bottlesBut, I digress.  After hearing of my good fortune, Mrs. L took her own barefoot stroll.  She, too, got a thrill up her leg.  In light of which, I think we should do the dew together tomorrow morning.  You are welcome to join us.  We will be out front about 6:30 a.m.  The first ten people through the gate get a free bottle of shampoo! ~

In related Mother Nature news, we discovered a vine of these interesting gems climbing on the fence along the driveway down by the front gate.

Mrs. L. looked them up on Google.  It says they are Purple Passionflowers (Passiflora incarnata), a herbaceous vine that grows up to 25 feet in length. 

Finally, as a bonus just for reading to the end, here is a gratuitous picture of some trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) that also grows along our driveway fence.

 Et cum spiritu tuo

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you took pics of the passionflowers because they are quite beautiful. However, they are about shriveled up already and have been replaced by the funky little fruits.
